1. Brands
    2. G:B:D:
    3. BFT
    4. CAME
    5. LOCINOX
    6. FAAC
    7. NICE
  2. Swing Gates
    1. BFT Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    2. BFT Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    3. BFT Swing Gate Underground Kit
    4. BFT Swing Gate Arm Kit
    5. Came Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    6. Came Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    7. Came Swing Gate Arm Kit
    8. Came Swing Gate Underground Kit
    9. FAAC Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    10. FAAC Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    11. FAAC Swing Gate Arm Kit
    12. FAAC Swing Gate Underground Kit
    13. GiBiDi Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    14. GiBiDi Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    15. GiBiDi - motors only
    16. GiBiDi Swing Gate Underground Kit
    17. GiBiDi Swing Gate Arm Kit
    18. Nice Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    19. Nice Swing Gate Underground Kit
    20. Nice Swing Gate Arm Kit
    21. Nice Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    22. RT Swing Gate Arm Accessories
    23. RT Swing Gate Underground Accessories
    24. RT Swing Gate Arm Kit
    25. RT Swing Gate Underground Kit
  3. Sliding Gates
    1. BFT Sliding Gate Accessories
    2. BFT Sliding Gate Kit
    3. Came Sliding Gate Accessories
    4. Came Sliding Gate Kit
    5. FAAC Sliding Gate Accessories
    6. FAAC Sliding Gate Kit
    7. GiBiDi Sliding Gate Accessories
    8. GiBiDi Sliding Gate Kit
    9. Nice Sliding Gate Kit
    10. Nice Sliding Gate Accessories
    11. RT Sliding Gate Accessories
    12. RT Sliding Gate Kit
  4. Door Accessories
    1. Videx door entry
    2. AES
    3. Comelit
    4. Daitem wireless door entry
    5. Sesamo Proswing
  5. Gate Accessories
    1. Gate Automation Other
    2. BFT Accessories
    3. Came Accessories
    4. Safety Edge
    5. FAAC Accessories
    6. GiBiDi Accessories
    7. Locinox
    8. Nice Accessories
    9. RT Accessories
  6. Barriers
    1. BFT Barrier Accessories
    2. Came Barrier Accessories
    3. FAAC Barrier Accessories
    4. GiBiDi Barrier Accessories
    5. RT Barrier Accessories
    6. RT Barrier Kit
    7. BFT Barrier Kit
    8. Nice Barrier Kit
  7. Bollards
    1. BFT Bollard Accessories
    2. BFT Bollards

CAME-A4364 In stock

£26.91 (£32.29 inc vat) List Price Incl. VAT: £36.90

Frog release system - tubular type 10 lever key


  • The invisible solution to power your gate
  • Protection rating against weathering agents IP67.
  • Foundation box in steel with anticorrosive treatment, or in AISI 304 stainless steel.
  • Automatic re-hooking of the release system after the gate manual maneuver.
  • Integrated, adjustable mechanical limit switches.
  • Opening up to 180° (with FL-180 accessory).
  • Set up for operation in case of power outage in the 24 V DC versions.
  • Developed with CONNECT technology for remote digital control via gateway or locally via CAME KEY.